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Selectmen's Minutes 06/18/2007

June 18, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS:  Gene Hall, Pat Hall, Sue Gottling, Lee Ostrom and Donna Gazelle.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:10 PM.


There were no comments from the public.


Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that a member of the public will be coming in this evening to meet in non-public session with the Selectmen in accordance with RSA 91-A:3II ( c).


Minutes:  June 4, 2007:  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2007 meeting.  The vote was 4 in favor – 1 abstention.


A.  Lake Sunapee Protective Association Request for Funding - $4,544:

Donna Nashawaty explained that these funds are for the LSPA milfoil fund.  The lake is monitored each year with three towns contributing; Newbury, New London and Sunapee.  The balance in Sunapee’s account is $14,375.00.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to pay the amount of $4,544.00 to LSPA.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

B.  Non-Public Session

Motion was made and seconded (Leone/White) to enter non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II ( c) at 7:40 PM.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  Motion was made and seconded (Leone/White) to leave non-public session at 7:50 PM.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Leone) to seal the minutes of the non-public session until
Board of Selectmen
June 18, 2007

after next Wednesday.  Upon a role call, the vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Representative Sue Gottling

Sue Gottling was present to ask the Selectmen if they had any questions of her regarding the Municipal Recycling Facilities that Sullivan County is proposing.  She informed the Board that other towns in the county are objecting to this facility along with the Town of Sunapee.  Richard Leone stated that one of his concerns is where the Commissioners obtained the cost figures.  He also expressed concern about the nursing home and asked what is going to happen without Geneses?  Sue Gottling stated that there is a lot to do at this facility and the Commissioners have to determine how to do it right.  It is her understanding that Geneses was not doing what they promised.  She believes the transition will be rocky.  The question was also raised that asked if Sullivan County was the only county with a County Manager?  Donna Nashawaty will check into this for the Board.  William Roach reminded the Board that there will be a meeting on June 29th at the Lou Thompson Room at the Newport High School to discuss the County budget but he did not know when it will be published.  S. Gottling will check into this and get back to the Board.  

Stephen White raised discussion on the education funding which lost by a single vote.  He asked if S. Gottling had any input for the Selectmen about this.  S. Gottling stated that it was a very hot issue.  A second resolution will be brought before the legislature by June 30th.  S. Gottling will keep the Board informed.

D.  Schedule Public Hearing Cable TV Franchise:  July 2 at 7:30 PM:

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that a motion and a vote is needed to have the Selectmen hold a public hearing on July 2 at 7:30 PM to discuss the cable TV franchise.  The company has presented the Town with a one year temporary contract until D. Nashawaty can further review the original contract.  A representative from Comcast will be present at this hearing.  Motion was made and seconded (Leone/White) to have a public hearing July 2nd at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall to discuss a cable TV franchise with Comcast.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

E.  Correct Property Owner for Yield Tax Collection

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that they needed to correct a yield tax bill that should have been sent to Sunapee Building Management and was sent to Webb.  The incorrect bill has been voided.  This is a procedure that must take place.  The Board signed a corrected warrant.

Board of Selectmen
June 18, 2007


Emma Smith reported to the Board that the returns of the Master Plan survey are coming in good to date.  She also told the Board about a survey developed by the Planning Board that was sent to the seniors at the Sunapee Middle High School and what a good and informative response was received from the students.

E. Smith informed the Board that the Master Plan Review meeting for June 21st has been cancelled.  The next meeting will be held July 19th at the Town Hall.


A.  Reminder:  Charrette June 22nd and 23rd, Knowlton House, 63 Main St.:

Donna Nashawaty explained the outline of the events taking place on both days.  She reminded the Selectmen that they were scheduled to be at the Knowlton House on Friday, June 22nd at 10:30 AM.  From 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM, time has been scheduled for input from the public.  All other sessions last approximately 2 hours.  A visit to the old town hall is scheduled but the general public will not be allowed to freely roam the building.   The Thrift Shop will be open.  The final report from the Charrette Design Team will be given at 2:30 PM on Saturday.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that there will be 14 members on the Design Team from Plan NH along with the Facilitator.  She stated that the Old Town  Hall Committee have been and will be doing a lot of the labor for the Charrette.  A boat tour for the Design Team and Sunapee Officials has also been offered as a gift and will provide a buffet meal.  It was agreed that thanks should be given to Sandy Rowse for her generosity in the gift of the use of the Knowlton House for the Charrette.

B.  Set Date for Summer Town Meeting:

Donna Nashawaty asked the Board what date they would like to schedule the Summer Town Meeting.  She discussed attendance and stated that she would like to try to increase this somehow.  It was suggested that if food were served this may increase attendance.  Stephen White stated that maybe he could approach the Lions Club for assistance with food.  It was also suggested that the meeting be scheduled for a Saturday as this may assist with attendance.  It was agreed to schedule the meeting for Saturday, July 28th at the Sunapee Middle High School cafeteria and that it be advertised that a continental breakfast of donuts, pastries, coffee and juice will be served.  The breakfast will be advertised to begin at 8:30 AM and the Summer Town Meeting to begin at 9:00 AM.  The Board authorized D. Nashawaty to purchase a banner to advertise the meeting.  

Board of Selectmen
June 18, 2007


Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that their agenda for the July 2nd meeting was very heavy and hopes to have the meeting in the new basement meeting room.  

William Roach stated that the No Parking signs and the parking lines at the harbor have not been done yet.  D. Nashawaty informed him that the Highway Department is working on these matters.  She stated that the handicapped parking will also be made clearer.  D. Nashawaty will have a map available to show where parking can take place and for how long.  She will also note on the map that trailer parking is not allowed in certain lots.  

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Recreation Committee is calling a special meeting and will be discussing changing the minimum age that a child can be left unaccompanied at Dewey beach.  The requirement of a signed parental slip may also be discussed.  

Donna Nashawaty stated that her contract is still being worked on to include recommendations made by Town Counsel.  This will be reviewed again in July.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved________________

____________________________                    ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

____________________________                    ______________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup